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Isfahan National Museum of Arts

Some of Isfahan's art history has been exhibited in this museum. The six passages of the museum are the eloquent narrators of the skilled artisans and the endless efforts of the master artists of Isfahan, especially in the Islamic era. The historic works of the artistic disciplines of Isfahan schools, such as metalwork, painting, lacquer works, calligraphy, weaving, enameling, and inlaying, have been displayed in the passageways of the Isfahan National Museum of Arts.

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National Museum of isfahan arts

Isfahan National Museum of Arts was established in February 1400 based on the need felt by the artists and people of culture and art of this city. In fact, its establishment should be considered as a part of the general demand of the educated people of the city. This museum was built in a Qajar-Pahlavi mansion and on Abbas Abad Street, one of the most beautiful neighborhoods of the city and one of the monuments of the Safavid era. It is a manifestation of the arts of the people of Isfahan from the millennia before history to the present era in such a way that more than 370 historical works are exposed. The view of the interested places.

The area of the museum building, which is also known as "Episcopal Building", has more than 4000 square meters of space and the exhibition area of the works is in a very beautiful building with a space of 1000 square meters.


This museum has 6 "passages", each of which introduces a part of art works and art schools of Isfahan.

In the first pass, which is named "Passage of History", works such as stone blades from the Paleolithic and Neolithic period belonging to 50,000 years ago are displayed. Ornaments, pottery, glasses, and historical coins are among the other significant works of this passage.

The second passage, named "Razm Passage", has exposed outstanding works such as the swords of Shah Abbas I of Safavi, which are made by Isfahani masters, maces, axes and the first guns made in Isfahan.

In the "Mashakh and Naqsh passage" that is the third passage of the museum, Qajar lacquer paintings and an exquisite collection of pencils made in Isfahan can be seen next to the calligraphy works of famous masters of this area.

The next passage is "Gazer Rasam" and in it the works of Isfahan's contemporary artists such as Mirza Agha Emami, Haj Musarul-Malki and Hossein Khataei are displayed.

In "Tar and Weft Passage", exquisite examples of the art of chit-making, carpet weaving and historical clothes of the Qajar period attract attention.

Finally, in "Chaharbagh Passage" there is a unique display of metalwork, enameling, inlaying, as well as paintings by prominent artists in this field.


In total, in this museum, works from 50 thousand years ago to the end of the Pahlavi period have been exhibited, but most of the works are related to the Islamic era, which, in addition to the Seljuk and Timurid periods, are often related to the Safavid and Qajar periods.

In fact, the variety of works in this museum, in addition to being able to attract the attention of the general audience, is able to attract special visitors, including artists, historians and archaeologists, researchers in various fields of humanities and social sciences, and other intellectuals. to give

Artists and celebrities whose works are available in this museum include such names as Agha Seyed Mohammad, Agha Sadegh Naqashbashi, Haj Hossein Musarul-Malki, Hossein bin Ismail Naqashbashi Esfahani, Hossein Khatai, Darvish Abdul Majeed, Sarkis Khachatourian, Sambat, Seyed Golestane, Mohsen Nematollahi, Mahmoud Farshchian. , Mirza Agha Emami, Mir Imad Hosni, Yervand Nahapatian, Yesai Shajanian and others, whose works include painting and drawing, papier mache and lacquer painting, calligraphy, pottery, military equipment and weapons, Isfahan coins, glass making, bookbinding, leather embrittlement fuel, sashes , Cashmere, Qalkar and Chit, silk embroidery, tapestry embroidery, artistic pencils, tiles (golden and seven-color tiles), calligraphy, enameling and inlaying have been dedicated to culture and art.

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